The Roman Catholic Magazine

The Roman Catholic Magazine is available by subscription from our church. It is published four times a year.

The Roman Catholic is published quarterly at 2200 Smelter Avenue, Black Eagle, MT 59414. © Copyright, 2018 All rights reserved.

Subscriptions: $5 for single issue;

U.S. – $16: one year,

$30: two years

$42: three years;

Canada and Mexico: one year – $30;U.S.

over seas: one year – $42. U.S.

Please make check out to: The Immaculate Heart of Mary   (Indicate that it is for a subsciption to the Roman Catholic Magazine)

To subscribe by phone, call 406-452-9021. 
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To receive, in pamphlet form articles from past issues of The Roman Catholic, please send $2.00 to The Roman Catholic.

Please direct all comments or suggestions to the Editor: Fr. Martin Skierka, 2200 Smelter Avenue, Black Eagle, MT 59414.

Ordering Information:

How to Order by E-mail. the email address is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pamphlets can be ordered via email through this website. To order, please email us your name and address, along with a currect phone number and the pamphlet wanted, or list of pamphlets desired and quantity desired. The purchaser will be invoiced when the pamphlets are mailed.

Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
Attention: Pamphlets
2200 Smelter Ave NE.
Black Eagle, MT 59414

We are not set up to accept credit card orders. Please make check  payable to the  Immaculate Heart of Mary Church.


Pamphlets Available Below

a. Statement of Principles by the Society of St. Pius V (Free of Charge)
b. Excuse me... You have used the name of my God in vain (Free of Charge)
c. Ready Reference for Sick Calls (Free of Charge)
d. When Sorrow Comes........Good Friday Sermon

Below is a list of pamphlet reprints available:

  1. Marriage Outside the Church..........Monsignor J. D. Conway ($3.00)
  2. But Dear.......... ($2.00)
  3. Grow Up and Marry..........Fr. Daniel Lord S.J. ($3.00)
  4. Reason Against Mixed Marriages..........Rev. Reynold Kuehnel ($3.00)
  5. Questions of Catholics Answered - Pertaining to Courtship..........The Rev. Winfrid Herbst, S.D.S. ($3.00)
  6. Money Runs or Ruins a Family..........Fr. Daniel Lord S.J. ($3.00)
  7. About Divorce..........Fr. Daniel Lord S.J. ($3.00)
  8. Don't Marry a Catholic..........Fr. Daniel Lord S.J. ($3.00)
  9. Marriage Human or Divine..........The Rev. Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R., S.T.D. ($4.00)
  10. Going Steady..........Fr. Daniel Lord S.J. ($1.00)
  11. Tell Her You Are a Catholic..........Walter Jewell ($3.00)
  12. Think Straight Before you Date..........Fr. D. F. Miller C.SS.R. ($2.00)
  13. What You Ought To Know Before Marriage..........Fr. Godfrey Poage ($3.00)
  14. Sanctification of Marriage..........Right Rev. M. J. Lavelle ($2.00)
  15. Fashionable Sin..........Fr. Daniel Lord S.J. ($3.00)
  16. How To Criticize Your Neighbor..........D. F. Miller, C.SS.R. ($3.00)
  17. Kindness..........Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. ($3.00)
  18. The Questions They Always Ask..........Fr. Daniel Lord S.J. ($4.00)
  19. Training Your Child From Infancy To Maturity..........Rev. S. J. Mauer ($3.00)
  20. Inlaws Are Not Funny..........Fr. Daniel Lord S.J. ($3.00)
  21. In Praise of Fathers..........Fr. Daniel Lord S.J. ($3.00)
  22. Sincerest Thanks to You..........Fr. Daniel Lord S.J. ($4.00)
  23. Sex Questions of Children..........Rev. T. E Tobin C.SS.R. ($2.00)
  24. Invalidly Married Catholics..........Rev. Winfrid Herbst, ($3.00)
  25. How Our Lady May Have Looked..........Fr. Daniel Lord S.J. ($3.00)
  26. Well What is the Mass..........Fr. Daniel Lord S.J. ($3.00)
  27. Miracles ..........Fr. Paul Stauder S.J. ($2.00)
  28. Can Our Priests Forgive Sin? ..........The Rev. John A. O'Brien, Ph.D. ($2.00)
  29. Why I Am a Catholic ..........The Rev. John B. Harney C.S.P. ($2.00)
  30. That Roman Collar .......... ($2.00)
  31. Marry Your Own..........Fr. Daniel Lord S.J. ($3.00)
  32. Here's How to Learn..........Fr. Daniel Lord S.J. ($3.00)
  33. Mass Server's Card........... ($2.00) (with phonetic pronunciation)
  34. Sins Are Forgiven in Confession ..........The Rev. Wilfred G. Hurley C.S.P. ($2.00)
  35. Lenton Pastoral 1940 ..........The Most Rev. John McNicholas ($2.00)
  36. Pre-Marriage Problems..........Fr. D. F. Miller C.SS.R. ($3.00)
  37. The Read Presence - FACT or Fiction? ..........The Rev. John A. O'Brien, Ph.D. ($2.00)
  38. An Adult’s Confession Booklet..........Aloysius Heeg. S.J. and Aloysius Wilwerding. S.J. ($3.00)
  39. The Manner of Serving Mass.......... (Latin responses) ($2.00)

The 2025 Ordo

The Ordo for 2025 is ready for shipping.

The Ordo is a detailed compilation of the rubrics for assisting the priest in the offering of Mass and the recitation of the Divine Office. It is in Latin, and due to the length of this work, much if not most has been set down in a Latin abbreviated form.

The rubrics followed are that of St. Pius X for the Universal Calendar of the Church. However, feast days proper to the United States have been added. The traditional rubrics for Holy Week (pre 1956) are observed.
Order Information

Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
Attention: 2022 Ordo
2200 Smelter Ave NE.
Black Eagle, MT 59414

Make check pay to the order of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church

Cost: $16.00: includes shipping


Sample of a day in the Ordo:

1. ✠ Dom. IN CIRCUMCISIONE DNJC, d2cl. Dox pr et v ad Primam Qui natus es usque ad Epiph et post Lunæ Martyrol pronunt lectio. In M Gl, Cr, Prf et Coic Nat. V fest tt [psalmi ut in comm B Mariæ].

                                Immaculate Heart of Mary Church

We are located in Black Eagle, Montana adjacent to Great Falls. Here at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church the traditional Latin Mass is offered daily. Our church is associated with the Society of St. Pius V - an organization of traditional Catholic priests dedicated to the traditional Latin Mass and the administration of the traditional Sacraments. The priests follow the rubrics of the Mass according to the Roman Missal (Missale Romanum 1954) prior to any of the liturgical changes implemented by the Vatican II Council.

You are most welcome to browse our web site. Please feel free to visit us here at our church if you are visiting in the Great Falls area.

You may also may visit the SSPV web site's Mass Locations link to see where Mass is offered in other states by the priests of the Society of St. Pius V.

If you would like to know the daily Mass schedule at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church please click on the Bulletin link to view the Mass schedule for the current week at our church. We have also posted the Mass schedule for other chapels under the Mass Locations menu at the top of the page.

Immaculate Heart of Mary Church also publishes The Roman Catholic magazine, a beautiful church calendar, and a latin ordo for priests. More aticles will be forthcoming.

The Immaculate Heart of Mary Church purchased the Collins (Hawthorne) School from the Great Falls School District in the late fall of 1987. Before the first Mass could be offered, the gymnasium had to be converted into a church. With a tremendous amount of work by the parishioners, the traditional Latin Mass was offered in the new facility for the first time on July 11, 1988. Immediate attention had to be given to the school as well; the roof was repaired and insulated and windows replaced.

As with any building that needs to be restored, the usual repairs and updates are being made. Over the course of the years, renovation of the church has been ongoing. Just to mention a few of the major projects for the church: a choir loft was added along with a bell tower, a pipe organ installed, leaded stained glass windows were purchased, restored and placed in the church.

Beginning in 1988, the church has conducted a two-week summer school catechism program which averages about 90 students every year. The summer-school catechism is taught by the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Our Savior congregation of Sisters. The Sisters do an outstanding job in teaching the rudiments of the Faith to the children of the parish.

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The 2025 Roman Catholic Calendar

If you wish to order your calendar please refer to the information below for details.

Shipping begins towards the end of October!

Price breakdown

$15.00 1-8 calendars
$13.00 9-20 calendars - plus postage
$12.00 21-100 calendars - plus postage
$11.00 101 or more calendars - plus postage

Make all checks pay to the order of: Immaculate Heart of Mary Church

How to Order by mail

Orders for calendar can be sent by mail with enclosed check for orders of eight calendars or less.

If there are more than 9 calendars to be ordered, please call or email us with that information for there will be mailing cost added to to the cost of the calendars.

Shipping charges:

There will be no shipping charges on US orders of 8 and under.
All orders over 8 & orders outside the US will have shipping charges added. Please call and we can determine the mailing costs.

Orders for calendar can be sent by mail with enclosed check. Calendars will be shipped upon receiving your order.

The Roman Catholic Calendar, 2200 Smelter Avenue, Black Eagle, Montana 59414. Telephone: (406) 452-9021

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